The Makhonjwa Mountains or Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains are a range of small mountains and hills that covers an area of 120 by 60 kilometres, about 80% in Mpumalanga, a province of South Africa, and the remainder in neighbouring Eswatini.
It constitutes 40% of the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Known as the oldest mountains in the world, the Barberton Mountains are 3.5 billion years old.
The Barberton Mountains emerged from the intense volcanic activity and sedimentation on the Kaapvaal Craton, one of Earth’s oldest continental nuclei.
The landscape at the Barberton Mountain is characterised by its greenstone composition, giving it a distinct, variegated appearance.
This region is home to some of the best-preserved rocks. It’s a geological hotspot for studying the Archean Earth.
Their rich deposits of coal and oil