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The Centre will bear an additional ₹425.62 crore to cover inflation in food material costs under the PM POSHAN Scheme for FY 2024-25.
The scheme provides one hot cooked meal to 11.7 crore students in 10.24 lakh government and government-aided schools.
Material costs for food items like pulses, vegetables, and oil have been increased by 13.7% based on inflation indices.
Revised cost:
Primary & Balvatika: ₹5.45 to ₹6.19
Upper primary: ₹8.17 to ₹9.29
The revision is effective from December 1, 2024.
States/UTs can contribute more than the mandatory minimum share for enhanced nutrition in meals.
The Centre provides 26 lakh tonnes of foodgrains annually, fully subsidized (₹9,000 crore), including transportation costs.
Per Meal Cost
Balvatika & Primary: ₹11.54
Upper Primary: ₹16.74
These costs include foodgrains and other components under the scheme.
Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman Scheme
It was earlier known as the National Programme of Mid-Day Meal in schools.
In September 2021, Mid-Day Meal Scheme was renamed as Pradhan Mantri POSHAN Scheme.
It is a centrally sponsored scheme under which one hot cooked meal is served to students studying in Balvatika and classes I to VIII, in Government and Government-aided schools on all school-days.
The scheme aims at providing nutritional support and enhancing school participation of students.
The objectives of the Scheme are to address two of the pressing problems for the majority of children in India, viz. hunger and education by:
Improving the nutritional status of eligible children in Govt and Govt aided schools.
Encouraging poor children, belonging to disadvantaged sections, to attend school more regularly and help them concentrate on classroom activities.
Providing nutritional support to children of the elementary stage in drought-affected and disaster affected areas during summer vacation.
Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Education
The concept of TithiBhojan (community participation programme in which people provide special food to children on special occasions) will be encouraged extensively.
Government is also promoting the development of Nutrition Gardens in schools.
Social Audit of the scheme is made mandatory in all the districts.
Involvement of Farmers Producer Organizations (FPO) and Women Self Help Groups in implementation of the scheme will be encouraged.