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Antimatter UPSC NOTE


  Why in news A new study, published suggests that the Standard Model of particle physics can potentially explain the matter-antimatter asy...

 Why in news

  • A new study, published suggests that the Standard Model of particle physics can potentially explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe

  • This research introduces a mechanism that satisfies one of the Sakharov conditions needed to explain why the universe is made of matter, not antimatter.

  • The study shows that processes involving mesons (quark-antiquark pairs) could help control the matter-antimatter imbalance, potentially solving this mystery.

What is Antimatter

  • Antimatter consists of antiparticles, which have the same mass as regular particles but opposite electric charge.

  • Examples: The antiparticle of an electron (antielectron) is positively charged, while the electron itself is negatively charged.

  • Antimatter exists in small amounts in cosmic rays, and it is produced in tiny quantities in the Earth’s atmosphere (e.g., one antielectron every 20 seconds from potassium-40 decay).

  • While antimatter exists, the universe mostly consists of matter. 

  • If there had been equal amounts of matter and antimatter after the Big Bang, they would have annihilated each other, leaving behind nothing but radiation. 

  • This "matter-antimatter asymmetry" is still unexplained.

Standard Model of Elementary Particles

  • It includes particles like quarks, leptons (e.g., electrons), and the force-carrier particles (e.g., photons for electromagnetic force).

  • A quark is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. 

    • Quarks combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei.

  • In particle physics, a lepton is an elementary particle of half-integer spin (spin ⁠1/2⁠) that does not undergo strong interactions.

  • Two main classes of leptons exist: charged leptons (also known as the electron-like leptons or muons), including the electron, muon, and tauon, and neutral leptons, better known as neutrinos.

  • A boson is a particle whose wave function is symmetric under particle exchange and therefore follows Bose–Einstein statistics.

  • In particle physics, a gauge boson is a bosonic elementary particle that acts as the force carrier for elementary fermions. All known gauge bosons have a spin of 1

  • A scalar boson is a boson whose spin equals zero.

  • The Standard Model predicted that the universe should respect "CP symmetry" (the combination of Charge Conjugation (C) and Parity (P) transformations), but this symmetry is violated in weak force interactions.

    • Charge conjugation :Switches particles with their antiparticles, changing the sign of all charges.

    • Parity : Inverts space, or reflects the space coordinates of a particle through the origin. 

  • Experiments in 1964 showed that CP symmetry is violated in certain particle interactions (e.g., mesons decaying), which is critical for explaining the matter-antimatter imbalance.

  • Sakharov Conditions: These are three key conditions necessary to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the early universe: 

    • (1) Violation of CP symmetry, 

    • (2) Violation of baryon number conservation, and 

    • (3) Out-of-equilibrium interactions.



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Learnerz IAS | Concept oriented UPSC Classes in Malayalam: Antimatter UPSC NOTE
Antimatter UPSC NOTE
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