Donkeys are intelligent animals that form strong bonds with humans.
They have historically played a crucial role in transportation and labor tasks.
The Halari donkey breed, found in Gujarat, is known for its beauty, size, and resilience.
Conservation Efforts
The Halari donkey population is endangered, with fewer than 500 individuals remaining.
The Sahjeevan Trust, in collaboration with the Gujarat government and the National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, has been working to conserve the breed.
The trust has identified pure-bred Halari donkeys for breeding and has successfully increased their numbers.
Economic Value
Halari donkeys are in high demand, with prices exceeding ₹1 lakh per donkey.
Halari donkey milk is prized for its sweetness and has high market value, especially in the international market for cosmetic purposes.
Challenges and Future Directions
Insufficient Conservation Efforts: Current efforts are not enough to ensure the long-term survival of the breed.
State Government Resources: Experts advocate for the establishment of breeding farms by the State government to effectively conserve Halari donkeys.