Importance of Food Security
Food security is essential for survival and dignity, ensuring everyone has access to enough safe and nutritious food.
Adequate food access contributes to overall health, supporting physical and mental well-being, and is crucial for economic growth.
Ensuring food security helps maintain peace and reduces the risk of conflict within communities.
SDG Goal of Zero Hunger by 2030
One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to end hunger, food insecurity, and all forms of malnutrition by 2030.
Ongoing conflicts, climate change, and economic downturns make achieving this goal difficult, particularly in vulnerable regions.
Food Security vs. Hunger
Food Security refers to having reliable access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food.
Hunger: The physical sensation of needing food, which arises from food insecurity.
Food security is necessary to prevent hunger; it involves not just availability but also affordability and accessibility.
Nutritional Sufficiency
Nutritional sufficiency means not just having enough food, but also having a diet that meets all nutritional needs.
A lack of balanced nutrition can lead to malnutrition and related health issues.
Ensuring everyone can afford and access nutritious food is critical for public health.
Unhealthy Diets in India
Many diets in India lack essential nutrients, leading to health issues despite sufficient calorie intake.
Healthy foods can be too expensive for low-income families, limiting their dietary choices.
Availability, awareness, and cultural preferences also contribute to poor diet quality.
Global Hunger Index (GHI)
The GHI assesses hunger levels based on undernourishment, child mortality, and nutritional quality.
As of 2023, the global magnitude of the undernourished has risen to 9.4%, or 757 million people.
Regional Disparities:
Africa: 20.4% facing hunger, 298.4 million
Asia: 8.1% undernourished, with 384.5 million people hungry
Latin America and the Caribbean: 6.2%
Oceania: 7.3%
India ranks poorly on the GHI, indicating significant nutritional issues
More than 3.5 crore people may not have enough food, as around 2.5% of the population lacks access to two square meals a day.
Challenges in India
A significant number of people lack the means to purchase enough nutritious food.
Unsustainable agricultural practices threaten food production and security.
Food insecurity is often more severe in rural areas, where many rely on agriculture for their livelihoods.
Way Forward
Strengthening food production and distribution systems is essential for improving access.
Regulating food prices and making healthy diets more affordable are key steps.
Implementing food banks and reducing waste can help ensure food reaches those in need.
Raising awareness about nutrition and healthy eating can improve dietary choices across communities.