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Global Challenge of Addressing Income Inequality UPSC NOTE


  Tackling income inequality is a serious global issue that requires a multifaceted approach involving the examination, trial, and implemen...


  • Tackling income inequality is a serious global issue that requires a multifaceted approach involving the examination, trial, and implementation of various strategies to create a more equitable society.

Progressive Taxation:

  • Progressive tax policies are essential for redistributing wealth from the affluent to the marginalized, not as a means of taking from the rich to give to the poor, but to invest in public goods.

  • Tax revenues should be directed towards improving health, education, skill development, environmental sustainability, and job creation.

  • Ensuring access to quality education, skill development, and lifelong learning opportunities is crucial for increasing employability and boosting income levels.

  • Education and skill development are foundational to reducing income inequality and fostering long-term economic growth.

  • Implementing and enforcing fair labor laws, including minimum wages, safety standards, and protection against exploitation, is necessary to ensure that workers benefit from economic growth.

  • Strengthening collective bargaining rights is vital to empower workers and ensure fair compensation.

  • Investing in infrastructure, particularly in underdeveloped regions, can reduce disparities and promote inclusive and sustainable growth.

  • Focus on infrastructure related to the environment, water, sanitation, forests, energy, climate change, housing, and transportation is essential for building resilient communities.

  • Initiatives like the ‘Giving Pledge’ by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet encourage the super rich to donate a significant portion of their wealth for public benefit.

  • Several advanced countries have implemented high inheritance taxes for the super rich, which has been proposed as a potential measure in India to address income inequality.

  • Reports indicate that income inequality in India is among the highest in the world, with the top 1% holding a significant share of national income, raising questions about societal equity.

  • The focus is not on increasing or introducing new taxes for the middle class, the rich, or the super rich, but on locating resources to lift millions out of poverty and joblessness.

  • Strategies should promote value addition through production, efficiency, quality, consumption, and ensure inclusion, sustainability, dignity, and justice.

  • India needs brave and innovative initiatives, moving beyond traditional approaches, to achieve the goals of inclusion and equity.

  • India should adopt a policy framework that ensures growth with justice and hope, considering all possible options, learning from global experiences, and leveraging its creative and innovative abilities.

  • While some view globalisation and market liberalisation as solutions, they require vigilance and constant adjustments to address the challenges they bring, especially in uncertain times

Gandhian Model of Development:

  • A development model focused on decentralisation, local needs, local talent, local resources, and local production is vital for ensuring employment and prosperity at the grassroots level.

  • Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and local innovations is crucial for building resilient local economies and connecting them to global markets.

  • Leveraging digital technology to provide financial services to SMEs can help overcome the current bias of banks towards large loans for big companies.

  • India’s 800 districts, each with unique climate, resources, and talents, should be developed as production centres for a variety of goods and services.

  • Creating 800 digital platforms to network these production centres can enhance supply chains, logistics, markets, and distribution networks.

  • Future job opportunities, even in an AI-dominated world, will arise in sectors such as food, education, health services, tourism, and manufacturing.

  • India’s young talent has the potential to become the workforce for the world, contributing to global growth.

New Economic Model for the Future:

  • Decentralisation and Digital Platforms: The future lies in an economic model based on decentralisation and the use of digital platforms to meet basic human needs, drive inclusion, and promote conservation and non-violence.

  • Shift in Lifestyle Values: A shift towards a lifestyle that values happiness from “sharing and caring” rather than conspicuous consumption is essential for building a sustainable and equitable future.



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Learnerz IAS | Concept oriented UPSC Classes in Malayalam: Global Challenge of Addressing Income Inequality UPSC NOTE
Global Challenge of Addressing Income Inequality UPSC NOTE
Learnerz IAS | Concept oriented UPSC Classes in Malayalam
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