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As per the NCAER, the outlook for the Indian economy seems softer this month, with a few economic indicators weakening even as core inflation witnessed a slight uptick
The NCAER reported a decline in industrial output and performance in core sectors for June, along with reduced credit growth in industrial, services, and personal loan sectors.
The progress of kharif sowing until the middle of August shows that the proportion of area sown was higher at 94.1% compared to 93.7% last year
National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) was established in 1956
NCAER is India’s oldest and largest independent, non-profit, economic policy research institute.
It undertakes grant-funded research and commissioned studies for governments and industry, and is one of the few think tanks globally that also collect primary data.
NCAER’s research is organized around the following five thematic areas
Growth, macroeconomics, trade, international finance, and fiscal and monetary policy;
The investment climate, industry, infrastructure, domestic finance, labor, land and urban;
Agriculture, natural resources, and the environment;
Poverty, human development, equity, gender, and consumer behavior; and
Scientific collection, innovation, and curation of economic and social data.