Indian Green Deal (IGD)
The Indian economy is facing a crisis at three different levels — health, economic and climate-change related
Indian Green Deal (IGD) focus to generates jobs and fundamentally alters the carbon footprint of the economy
The programme is divided into three components – care economy, infrastructure, and green energy transition – to address the triple crises, respectively
Unemployment and inequality
For India to utilise its huge demographic dividend, its young population, the government needs to think long term and prioritise employment
To tackle rising inequality, a tax and expenditure policy can be devised.
This can deliver on the social, democratic, and climate change fronts.
There has been a dramatic rise in inequality in wealth and income for more than two decades
A significant rise in consumption has led to burgeoning carbon emissions by the Indian elite
commodities such as housing, industrial goods, transport (airlines, SUVs, etc.) and clothing contributes to it
If the government were to levy a wealth tax, it would be able to solve many problems at one go