Heat stress is anticipated to affect labour efficiency and productivity, in turn reducing work hours and hindering the ILO objective of promoting fair and decent employment
Workers, sometimes cannot cease working despite hazardous conditions because of financial constraints
Health effects of heat stress : heat stroke, heat cramps, cardiovascular disease, acute kidney injury, and physical injury
To retain normal physiological activities, it is necessary to maintain a core body temperature of roughly 37°C.
ILO study (2019) : Heat stress is projected to reduce total working hours worldwide by 2.2 percent and global GDP by US$2,400 billion in 2030
Agricultural and construction workers are expected to be the worst affected
By 2030, there would be a decrease of almost 5% in working hours in southern Asia and western Africa,
Reduction in the European subregions will be only 0.1%.
ILO (2024) estimates that 2.41 billion workers worldwide are exposed to extreme heat.
22.85 million injuries and 18,970 fatalities annually
By 2030, an estimated 160 million-200 million individuals around the nation may face the risk of experiencing deadly heat waves every year.
Approximately 34 million people in India will experience job losses due to reduced productivity caused by heat stress
Migrant workers who primarily in hazardous and physically demanding jobs are particularly vulnerable to the risks posed by climate change
They usually lack occupational safety and health protections, essential services, and infrastructure
‘Preparation of Action Plan – Prevention and Management of Heat Wave’, by the National Disaster Management Authority in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs
designed to protect the Indian workforce from the negative impacts of extreme heat
The importance of the following factors is highlighted:
providing education to workers;
ensuring proper hydration;
managing work schedules,
offering necessary medical facilities
These measures to achieve should include
development of sufficient infrastructure
enhanced early warning systems for extreme weather events
The government may implement adequate regulatory and legislative measures in occupations that are susceptible to heat waves
Infrastructure-related measures, such as implementing construction standards, should safeguard indoor workers
Decent and green employment emerges as a promising solution for the future of work
Green jobs are employment opportunities that help protect or restore the environment while also supporting economic and social well-being.