The Issue: Disagreement between Kerala and Tamil Nadu regarding the Mullaperiyar dam.
It is a 128-year-old masonry gravity dam located in Kerala's Idukki district.
Owned and operated by Tamil Nadu.
Provides water for irrigation in Tamil Nadu.
Kerala's Move:
Requested a new Terms of Reference (ToR) from the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for a new Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to build a new dam.
Cited expired ToR and need for fresh environmental data due to recent floods.
Importance of Environmental Impact Assessment
EIA is a good tool for prudent environment management.
It is government-policy that any industrial project in India has to secure EIA clearance from the Environment Ministry before approval for the project itself.
Tamil Nadu's Objection:
Claimed Kerala's move violates Supreme Court orders upholding the existing dam's safety.
Argued a new dam needs their permission and Kerala's actions are in contempt of court.
Threatened legal action if Kerala proceeds.
Kerala's Defense:
Rejected Tamil Nadu's claims, stating the Supreme Court previously dismissed objections to the earlier ToR and EIA clearance.
Emphasized the need for a new EIA due to changed environmental conditions.
Requires new ToR for fresh data collection and Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the new dam.
Legal battle likely as Kerala seeks to build a new dam, requiring Tamil Nadu's consent as per a Supreme Court order.