Why in News
The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has recommended the imposition of anti-dumping duty on sodium cyanide (NaCN) imported from China, the European Union, Japan and Korea
The revised definitive anti-dumping duties on the import of sodium cyanide, originating in or exported from these countries, is for a period of five years
Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR)
It is the apex national authority under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry for administering all trade remedial measures including anti-dumping, countervailing duties and safeguard measures.
If a company exports a product at a price lower than the price it normally charges on its own home market, it is said to be “dumping” the product.
The WTO Agreement does not regulate the actions of companies engaged in “dumping”.
Its focus is on how governments can or cannot react to dumping — it disciplines anti-dumping actions, and it is often called the “Anti-dumping Agreement”
DGTR provides trade defence support to the domestic industry and exporters in dealing with increasing instances of trade remedy investigations instituted against them by other countries
Sodium cyanide
Sodium cyanide is a poisonous compound with the formula NaCN.
It is a white, water-soluble solid.
Cyanide has a high affinity for metals, which leads to the high toxicity of this salt.
It is a moderately strong base.
Sodium cyanide
It is used in the extraction of gold and silver from their respective ores, in electroplating and the heat treatment of metals, and in making insecticides, dyes, pigments, and bulk drugs, etc.