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  QR (quick response) code on food products A QR (quick response) code on food products is a machine-readable code that can be scanned with ...

 QR (quick response) code on food products

  • A QR (quick response) code on food products is a machine-readable code that can be scanned with a smartphone.

  •  This is to access additional information about the product. 

  • This information can include nutritional information, ingredients, allergens, recipes, or other helpful information.

  • QR codes are becoming increasingly common on food products.

  • They offer a number of benefits for both consumers and manufacturers. 

QR (quick response) code on food products

  • For consumers, QR codes provide a convenient way to access information about the products they are buying. 

  • This information can help consumers to make informed decisions about what they eat and to avoid products that they are allergic to. 

  • For manufacturers, QR codes provide a way to connect with consumers and to provide them with additional information about their products. 

  • This information can help manufacturers to build brand loyalty and to promote their products.

QR (quick response) code on food products

  • QR codes are a powerful tool that can be used to improve the consumer experience and to promote food products. 

  • As QR codes become more common on food products, consumers can expect to have access to even more information about the food they are buying.

Why is the move important?

  • Provide consumers with access to more information about the products they are buying

  • Empower consumers to make informed decisions about what they eat. 

  • By having access to more information about food products.

  • Consumers can make choices that are aligned with their dietary needs and preferences.

  • QR codes demonstrate that manufacturers are transparent and committed to providing consumers with the information they need to make informed decisions.

  • QR codes can be used to provide consumers with information on how to properly store and cook food products, which can help to extend their shelf life and reduce food waste.

  • Improve the traceability of food products.

How did the QR code come into being? 

  • The QR code was invented in 1994 by Masahiro Hara.

  • He is an engineer at the Japanese company Denso Wave. 

  • Hara was tasked with developing a new barcode that could be used to track automobile parts

  • At the time, the existing barcode systems were not able to store enough data or to be read quickly and accurately.

  • Hara was inspired by the black and white pieces on a Go board, a Japanese board game.

  •  He realized that a barcode made up of a grid of black and white squares could store a lot of data.

How did the QR code come into being? 

  • The QR code was invented in 1994 by Masahiro Hara.

  • He is an engineer at the Japanese company Denso Wave. 

  • Hara was tasked with developing a new barcode that could be used to track automobile parts

  • At the time, the existing barcode systems were not able to store enough data or to be read quickly and accurately.

  • Hara was inspired by the black and white pieces on a Go board, a Japanese board game.

  •  He realized that a barcode made up of a grid of black and white squares could store a lot of data.

Trends in QR use worldwide

  • QR code use is on the rise worldwide, with Asia leading the way. 

  • According to a recent study by Statista, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to account for over 60% of global QR code scans in 2023. 

  • This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing popularity of mobile payments.

  • The growing use of QR codes in marketing and advertising, and the increasing availability of QR code readers on smartphones.

Trends in QR use worldwide

The key trends in QR code use worldwide:

  • Growth of mobile payments

  • Use of QR codes in marketing and advertising

  • Increasing availability of QR code readers

  • Tracking products

  • Providing access to information

  • Marketing and advertising



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Learnerz IAS | Concept oriented UPSC Classes in Malayalam: QR Codes UPSC NOTE
Learnerz IAS | Concept oriented UPSC Classes in Malayalam
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