Child Labour in India
A significant proportion of children in India are engaged in child labour.
In 2011, the national census of India found that the total number of child labourers, aged [5–14], to be at 10.12 million, out of the total of 259.64 million children in that age group.
Cause of Child Labour in India:
Rising demand especially in urban areas. Due to their low cost and ability to adapt to the needs of the employe.
Prevalence poverty and debt trap in India especially in rural India.
Rural poverty and urban migration.
Parental illiteracy and ignorance
Constitutional Provision:
The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act of 2002 added Article 21-A to the Indian Constitution, as a Fundamental Right.
To provide all children between the ages of six and fourteen with free and compulsory education in accordance with any legal requirements imposed by the State.
Article 23: Prohibits forced work and human trafficking.
Article 24 states that no kid under the age of fourteen may be employed in a factory, mine, or in any other dangerous occupation.
Government Schemes on Child Labour
The Ministry of Labour and Employment created the PENCIL Portal as an electronic tool to effectively implement the No Child Labour policy.
Programme for the National Child Labour Project (NCLP): This programme enrols kids in school and prevents them from working in order to empower and motivate them.